Working out in the gym is great, but it’s summertime! Why not take advantage of the benefits nature has for the body? Cardio machines in the gym can provide numerous benefits; however, doing the same movement pattern repeatedly may potentially cause an overuse injury. When walking, hiking, biking, or running on a trail that is constantly changing, such as hills, sharp turns, or different surfaces, can enhance the strength of your connective tissues and muscles, which may help avoid injuries. Also, an added good wind resistance is great because you must move faster and work harder. This will cause you to burn more calories. Having resistance activates the larger type II muscle fibers, which are responsible for strength and toning/definition1. So go and challenge your body! Get out to your local park, take a walk, run, or bike on a nearby trail or around your neighborhood!
Some local parks have outdoor fitness stations that incorporate strength conditioning for a total body workout, such as pull-ups, planks, squats, etc. There are other fun outdoor activities to do, such as joining a flag football team, playing tennis, rock climbing, and pickleball (my personal favorite). These activities help with connecting with your community, and having several positive relationships can help improve your mental health as well. There is quantifiable research that suggests that outdoor exercise provides greater benefits than sweating indoors. In one study, researchers found that exercising outdoors “was associated with greater feelings of revitalization, increased energy, and a positive engagement, which decreases tension, confusion, anger, and depression. The participants also reported greater enjoyment and satisfaction with outdoor activities. So, schedule some time for you and your family to put the phones on silent and other electronic devices to go outside and move. It will enhance real-life social network2.
Don’t forget about the fun water activities (swimming, paddle boarding, kayaking, etc)! Yes, I am talking about going to the beaches, swimming pools, and river rafting! There are so many activities to do on the beach. Paddle boarding is fun and challenging because it works on your balance, and you must have a strong core, upper and lower body muscles. Kayaking and river rafting mostly use the upper body muscles (shoulders, back, arms, and chest). The waves will be your resistance to all these activities. Swimming is good for developing muscle endurance and strength. There are so many activities for the pool. Why not join a pool exercise class (outside)? You can work a little harder because the water is much gentler on the joints. The resistance of the water slows down movements that can be quick and jerky on land, which creates smooth-flowing motions that are less likely to aggravate injuries. The resistance also causes you to burn more calories than you would on land3.
Exercising outdoors on water or land can be a natural antidepressant. Sunshine naturally increases serotonin (a hormone that affects your mood), and exercising produces endorphins, which is another feel-good hormone that boosts your mood and reduces pain. Also, as a bonus, sunshine is a way to get vitamin D4. But don’t forget your sunscreen! Used sunscreen regularly to help prevent sunburn, skin cancer, and premature aging. Sun protection factor (SPF) represents a sunscreen’s ability to protect against a specific portion of ultraviolet (UV) light called UVB. UVB rays are responsible for sunburn and skin cancer. However, there are two other types of UV light: UVC rays (which don’t pass through the earth’s atmosphere) and UVA rays (which are responsible for skin cancer as well as skin aging). A sunscreen that is broad spectrum will protect against both UVB and UVA rays. For daily use, choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and if you spend a lot of time outdoors, choose a product with SPF 60 or greater5.
So go out and enjoy the summer and remember to stay hydrated as well.
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